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抓个戴萌做性奴哪位大哥 做点明星 扶她 吃瓜玩
06-10 11:30
06-10 11:10
06-10 10:58
06-10 10:38
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-10 03:47
给评论点个赞吧求大佬看看几个帖子 不够可以再加
06-10 03:05
06-10 03:00
1341762463290@喵小吉真是可爱 发帖提示“抱歉,您填写的内容包含敏感词而无法提交”是咋回事?
06-09 23:12
给评论点个赞吧求求大佬看看几个帖子 应该不难 票不够可以再加
06-09 22:38
06-09 22:31
赚钱赚钱赚钱帮忙宣传。十万票求资源!一个短发妹子在椅子上M腿,咬着牙被插入 https://xsijishe.com/thread-232597-1-1.html?_dsign=a742ca86
06-09 21:49
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-09 18:21
Qinweiyingjie❤十万票求资源!一个短发妹子在椅子上M腿,咬着牙被插入 https://xsijishe.com/thread-232597-1-1.html?_dsign=a742ca86
06-09 16:27
omg4383万车票 重金悬赏1T 115空间卡,许愿也行。 https://sijishes.com/thread-230740-1-1.html (出处: 司机社)
06-09 14:03
给评论点个赞吧求大神看看帖子 好几个呢可以加车票
06-09 12:22
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-09 01:14
HEWEIAI30W 30W 30W 收LIAE结构刘亦菲万能模型 滚石的那个 私聊我开悬赏贴
06-09 01:14
omg4383万车票 重金悬赏1T 115空间卡,许愿也行。 https://sijishes.com/thread-230740-1-1.html (出处: 司机社)
06-09 00:29
06-08 23:21
06-08 20:16
给评论点个赞吧求大佬看看悬赏 不够再加点
06-08 19:51
06-08 19:36
HEWEIAI20W 收LIAE结构刘亦菲万能模型 滚石的那个 私聊我开悬赏贴。其他的万能模型也收,老王的那几个已经有了,勿扰!
06-08 19:29
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-08 17:54
新津sxc求大佬们看一下眼我的悬赏,给个名字就行,好久没好素材冲一冲了 我每晚在线,悬赏肯定结算
06-08 17:03
06-08 16:29
06-08 14:57
FengCCNiuB空间卡能悬赏到? 还有这好事儿
06-08 14:12
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-08 12:19
06-08 11:48
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-08 01:26
omg4383万车票 重金悬赏1T 115空间卡,许愿也行。 https://sijishes.com/thread-230740-1-1.html (出处: 司机社)
06-07 22:54
06-07 20:48
06-07 20:47
06-07 19:54
06-07 19:28
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-07 15:33
给评论点个赞吧求求大佬看悬赏 10000票
06-07 14:11
06-07 13:50
omg4383万车票 重金悬赏1T 115空间卡,许愿也行。 https://sijishes.com/thread-230740-1-1.html (出处: 司机社)
06-07 10:34
06-07 10:26
06-07 10:09
dplion@天真老男孩 解压密码出错了是什么情况
06-07 09:48
06-07 06:14
06-07 02:46
HEWEIAI3W/T收115空间卡 https://xsijishe.net/thread-230888-1-1.html?_dsign=1049919b
06-07 00:21
06-06 23:49
06-06 22:13
06-06 21:58
w8372525775 有没有管理管管我这个签到啊 我补签补到3000多天了 我总共才994天啊
06-06 20:01
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modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 03:48:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-15 11:16 编辑

Matthew King opened the door and reached to his left to turn on he light.

"And this is the master bedroom." He said as soft lighting began to fill the cavernous space. His main bedroom was bigger than most people's houses, and its centerpiece was a round bed covered in red silk pillows and sheets.
"Wow, you have a really very large bedroom." his girl for the night said as she gazed around at roaring fireplace and large panoramic view of Los Angeles.

Matt was in his mid 20s, about six and a half feet tall, and weighed nearly 250 pounds. He exercised 4 hours a day, 6 days a week, and had a body to prove it. His hair was short and brown, and his eyes were a deep blue that every female he met easily got lost in. He was also immensely rich. After high school he had moved to L.A. and made a few pornos. One night at a club he was propositioned by a fan. She offered him 20,000 dollars to fuck her brains out for the weekend. His Jane had been none other than Paris Hilton, and after that weekend he became known to some of the most beautiful women in the world as the best fuck on earth.

At the moment, he was giving a well known supermodel a tour of his 44 room Los Angeles home after he had his driver pick her up from her hotel and discreetly delivered to his home.

Karlie walked over to the large panoramic window to enjoy the view, and Matt took the opportunity to do the same. She was 5 10, about 105 pounds, and was wearing a short black dress that really showed off the body that had made her millions.

She spun around to face Matt and gave him the very naughty smile that graced magazines world-wide.

"You like it?" Matt asked with a knowing smile of his own.

"Yes of course. It is beautiful, like you are beautiful." She said as she crossed the room toward the bed.


She tossed her purse on the floor and crawled onto the soft sheets of the large round bed, keeping her eyes locked on Matt the entire time. Matt approached the bed but did not join her. Karlie crawled over to him on her knees and began to unbutton his shirt. She strained her long neck upwards to try and kiss Matt, and pouted when she realized he was still too tall. Grinning he obliged her and leaned down to softly kiss her. Karlie's breath quickened and her heart fluttered as their lips met for the first time. She twirled her tongue slowly against his as she lowered his shirt down over his bodybuilder figure. As soon as it was off she broke off the kiss and began to slowly caress his thick muscles. Her eyes narrowed with desire as she examined his broad chest and six pack of abs with her manicured nails.

"Mmmmm so do you model too? She asked while absentmindedly squeezed his pecs. "You have an amazing body, Matt."

"Nope never modeled. I can't sit still long enough to have my picture taken." He said as she continued to marvel at his god like physique.

After a while he grabbed her 23 inch waist in his large hands and picked her up to wrap her in his strong arms. As he kissed her deeply for the second time he smiled to himself as her felt her small frame tremble slightly against the bulging muscles of his torso. He set her down so she stood facing him and reached behind her to unzip her dress. She quickly shrugged out of it and stood proudly before Matt, putting her hands on her hips and thrusting her perfect tits toward him. Karlie wore a lacy black bra that held her breasts up like two sun bronzed peaches. Her panties were also black lace and looked like they were made out of maybe two square inches of material.

Karlie beamed as Matt whistled in appreciation. He felt his previously controlled cock begin to stir as he made the universal hand gesture for "twirl around and let me see that ass." She did, and he was not disappointed. She grinned over her shoulder and playfully slapped her tight buns as Matt laughed.

"Karlie, YOU have an amazing body. Have you done any modeling?" he tried to say seriously as she turned back to face him.

"You are so funny! You know I am model for Victoria's Secret!" She giggled sexily as Matt laughed with her.

She stepped closer and slowly traced a line from his chest down to the top of his pants.

"Now you show me?" she asked in a very sexy voice, looking almost straight up to look him in the eyes.

Matt smiled and tossed her easily on to the bed. She shrieked with delight as she bounced into the soft satin covers.

Matt slowly undid his belt and slid it out of the loops on his slacks. He could see the hopeful anticipation in her eyes, and smiled. He dropped his pants around his ankles and laughed out loud when her expression went from hope to amazement. His half hard cock and enormous balls had created an obscene bulge in his black jockey shorts. The fabric was straining to contain the growing python, and Karlie gasped as Matt willed it to it full size. Slowly it expanded and slipped out of the top of his shorts, growing larger by the second. Matt kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants, all the while watching her face turn from amazement to wanton lust. He pulled off his underwear and gave his dick a few short pulls to aid its hardening. After a few seconds it was fully hard and pointing almost straight up.


"Is that real? Is that all you?", the young model whispered, pulling herself closer to the edge of the bed.

"Ten inches long, 71/2 inches around." he confirmed as he walked towards her.

Karlie giggled as she watched it bounce as he approached the bed.

"You have beautiful penis. Can I hold it?" She asked in a low voice, her eyes heavy lidded with lust.

" You can do whatever you want with it as long as you call it a cock and not a penis." He replied, stroking it slowly and driving her crazy all the while.

"Cock." She said, trying out the word, her heart ready to jump out of her chest.

Karlie reached out her right hand to grab it. Right before she could grab it, Matt flexed his pole, making it slap against his washboard abs. She gasped in surprise and began to giggle as Matt laughed at her reaction.

"Stroke my cock, baby". Matt said as he took another step forward.

"Mmmmmmmm yes sir". Karlie moaned as she placed her right hand on the shaft of the pulsing dick waving in the air before her. Her small hand didn't come close to wrapping all the way around, so she put her left hand just under the flared ridge of its spongy head.

"Cock" she repeated quietly as she began to slowly jack off the monster dick in her hands.

"That's, right girl, jack that big cock." Matt groaned as he reveled in the feeling of her tiny hands manipulating his throbbing erection.

Karlie examined his manhood closely, running her fingers over its protruding veins, and gasped again as she fondled his giant balls, each the size of a cue ball.

"Aaahhhh yeah, play with my balls." sighed Matt as she gave them a series of light squeezes, testing their sensitivity.

After a while Matt took her hands off and grabbed his cock in his right hand. Reaching behind her head with his left, he gathered her hair into a loose pony tail. Before Karlie could say anything Matt began to lightly rub the head and shaft of his thick member all over her beautiful face. She cooed with delight as he ran it over her soft lips and cute nose. She closed her eyes as he ran the head over her eyelids and cheeks.

"Put out your tongue, gorgeous". he said, stroking himself and making her even hotter.

参与人数 1车票 +5000 收起 理由
huaixiaoziyige + 5000 牛蛙牛蛙!

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Gh20230619 发表于 2023-12-16 11:23:04 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 04:46:59 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-15 17:27 编辑


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Driverst 发表于 2023-12-16 09:20:57 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 10:01:17 | 显示全部楼层
Driverst 发表于 2023-12-15 16:20

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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 10:34:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-15 18:44 编辑


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dabaichi0 发表于 2023-12-16 10:37:53 | 显示全部楼层
modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 10:01

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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 10:39:33 | 显示全部楼层
dabaichi0 发表于 2023-12-15 17:37
这个的底图是Kelly.Collins吧,其实本人颜值就挺高 ...

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dustfox1 发表于 2023-12-16 11:00:28 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 11:46:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-15 18:54 编辑

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咋悄无声息 发表于 2023-12-16 11:56:28 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 11:58:49 | 显示全部楼层
咋悄无声息 发表于 2023-12-15 18:56

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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 11:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-16 00:11 编辑



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anxna 发表于 2023-12-16 12:49:03 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 12:55:22 | 显示全部楼层
anxna 发表于 2023-12-15 19:49

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wh90初 发表于 2023-12-16 14:19:44 | 显示全部楼层

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bjmbjm 发表于 2023-12-16 14:38:39 | 显示全部楼层
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Gh20230619 发表于 2023-12-16 16:33:09 | 显示全部楼层

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Gh20230619 发表于 2023-12-16 16:34:43 | 显示全部楼层
马修·金打开门,向左伸手打开灯。 “这是主卧室。”他说着,柔和的灯光开始充满这个洞穴般的空间。他的主卧室比大多数人的房子都大,它的中心是一张圆床,上面铺着红色丝绸枕头和床单。 “哇,你有一个非常非常大的卧室,”他的女儿说,她凝视着咆哮的壁炉和洛杉矶的全景。 马特 20 多岁,身高约 6 英尺半,体重近 250 磅。他每周锻炼 6 天,每天锻炼 4 小时,并且有一个身体可以证明这一点。他的头发是棕色的短发,他的眼睛是深蓝色的,他遇到的每个女性都很容易迷失其中。他也非常富有。高中毕业后,他搬到了洛杉矶,拍了几部色情片。一天晚上,在一家俱乐部,他被一位球迷求婚。她给了他 20,000 美元,让他在周末绞尽脑汁。他的简不是别人,正是帕丽斯·希尔顿,在那个周末之后,他被世界上一些最美丽的女人称为地球上最好的他妈的。 此刻,他正在带领一位知名超模参观他在洛杉矶拥有 44 间客房的家,此前他让司机从她的酒店接她并小心翼翼地送到他家。 卡莉走到大全景窗前欣赏美景,马特也趁机照做了同样的事情。她 5 岁 10 岁,大约 105 磅,穿着一件黑色短裙,真正展示了让她赚了数百万美元的身体。 她转过身来面对马特,给了他一个非常顽皮的微笑,这让全世界的杂志都增光添彩。 “你喜欢吗?”马特带着会心的笑容问道。 “是的,当然。它很美,就像你很漂亮一样。她一边说,一边穿过房间走向床边。
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ID50014 发表于 2023-12-16 16:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
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